Celebrating over 60 years of Faith, Fellowship and Fun

The purpose of the Streetsville United Church Women has always been to support one another in our Christian faith, for fellowship and service within the church, and in local and worldwide missions.  All women are most warmly invited to attend any of our meetings and events.

The UCW of Streetsville United has 3 units of ladies who meet at the church on a monthly basis.

Friendship Circle, meets monthly on the second Thursday at 1:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Lounge

Sunshine Circle, meets monthly on the third Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Lounge

Joy Givers, meets monthly on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship lounge

The UCW offers many opportunities for becoming involved in the life of Streetsville United and various areas of outreach. Should you be interested in joining us or offering help, please contact the church office at 905-826-1542 or . Areas of interest may include:

Children’s Aid: The UCW prepares layettes in newborn size for donation to young Moms in the greater Mississauga community. Contributions of sleepers, receiving blankets and onesies are always welcome.

Funeral receptions: The UCW provides light refreshments after funeral services.

Open Door at Square One: The Open Door is an ecumenical outreach program for anyone requiring assistance and a warm meal. The UCW contributes casseroles to the Open Door, when they are able to have their dinners, as well as supplying gifts at Christmas time.

Harvest of Craft Sale: The craft sale is the UCW’s major fundraising event held the last Saturday in October. Funds raised provide support to SUC, Our Place Peel, Heart House Hospice, Pathway Community Programs among others.

World Day of Prayer is supported by the UCW and is hosted each year by one of the churches in the Streetsville Meadowvale area.

UCW Christmas Service

The UCW holds a Christmas service for all the women’s group and their friends and family in December.  It is a combination of holiday entertainment, fellowship and refreshment.  In 2023, the McDougall Fiddlers, A Celtic Christmas provided the musical entertainment.

The UCW at Streetsville United is a vibrant and active group of ladies! Come and learn about some of the events and activities with which we are involved!


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